The Byzantine Empire

Location: It was located in Constantinopla (today Islamic, Turkey)

Political characteristics:

  • It was very difficult because the region of Justinian I saw a periodo of extensive Imperial conquests of former Roman territories.

Economic characteristics:

  • Byzantium was one of the most important western terminals of the Silk Route.

Social characteristics:

  • There was controversy and religious division over incandasm.
  • Byzantium have an important role in the transmisión of classical knowledge to the Islamic World and to Renassance Italy.

Cultural characteristics:

  • Justinian up doted the ancient Roman legal code into the Corpusluris Civils.
  • The most significant buldings is the Grat Church of Haig Sophia C. Church of the Holy Wisdom, in Constantinopla.
Important Characters:
Christian emperor

Sources used to write the post
WBustos, J(2011) Middle ages. pdf. Consultado en junio 10, 2011 en http:/hotmail.comrite your answer (debe venir la bibliografía como si fuera SIPEIN - investigación)
   Spartan307 (2011Engineering an Empire - The Byzantine Greeks 3/5  Consultado en junio 13, 2011 en