The Roman German States.

Roman German States:

Location: Roman Empire.

Political characteristics:
  • Odoacer ( a german ruler) deponed Romulus Augustlus bringing westrn Roman Empire to an end.
  • The mayor kingoms was Franks, Visighoths and the Lombords. They have little or none power.

Economic characteristics:

  • Was based on agriculture, but the commerce don’t have like a lot of development becaus were concentrated on Byzantium.

Social characteristics:

  • The Germans were warriors that live beyond the Roman Empire.
  • Society was base don family clan and primative characteristics.
  • Barbarians penetrate the Roman Empire.

Cultural characteristics:

  • The creation of jewelry with precious stones and gold.
  • Belif in Catholic Religión.
  • Germans begin the origin for Spanish, French, Italian, English, Rumanian, German, and others.

Important Characters:

  • Germans.
  • The barbarians.
  • Romolus Augustus.
  • Odoccer.

Sources used to write the post

Bustos, J(2011) Middle ages. pdf. Consultado en junio 10, 2011 en http:/

Princepsmaximus (2011) Roman Emperors. Consultado en junio 13, 2011 en