The Islamic World

Location:  Arabian Peninsula (Bedouins)

Political Characteristics: 732: 100 years after Muhammad’s death they controlled: Spain, Portugal, North of Africa, Palestine, Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula and Western India.

Economic Characteristics: Taxes were the basis of the Islamic economy.

Social Characteristics: Caliphs were successors to the prophet with religious and political power. Shiites’ and Sunnis'

Cultural Characteristics: Men can marry only four women.  They don’t eat pork or drink liquor. Women’s role is merely reproductive. On Fridays people go to the mosques to pray. Holy war. Islam split into: Shiites’ and Sunnis', they developed the first chemical laboratories and were prestigious on the treatment of diseases. They developed the use of astrolabe, mathematics and literature. They had impressive architecture such as the Dome of the Rock.

Important characters:
  • Muhammad
  • Allah
  • Warriors
  • Christians
  • Jews
  • Zoroastrians
  • All Islamic people

Sources used to write the post.

Bustos, J(2011) Middle ages. pdf. Consultado en junio 10, 2011 en http:/
Sayyid14(2011) Ancient Islamic World Consultado en junio 10, 2011 en