The Carolingian Empire

Location: The Carolingian Empire tried to unite most of western Europe under a single ruler from about 751 until 987.

Political Characteristics: The only Carolingian monarch who did it was Charlemagne, who was crowned Emperor by Pope Leo III at Rome in 800.

Economic Characteristics: the lands were reorganized in a quasi-feudal lands and the navy was allowed to decay as a stronger land force was built up

Social Characteristics: In order of power was king, pope, lords, Knights, and the Peasants.

Cultural Characteristics:
·         The coronation of Charlemagne
·         With the coronation of Charlemagne by the Pope, the Frankish kingdom tried to recover the power and strength of the Roman Empire.
·         naming it the Holy Roman Empire.
·         The most important thing about the Carolingian Empire is that it represents the mixture between Church and State
·         Voltaire, the French philosopher of the Enlightenment, said that it was 'Neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.'
·         It represents the union between: Church and State/ Altar and Throne/
Cross and Sword
·         It emerged due to the necessity to restore power of the Empire
·         It was little effective (25 years)
Their beliefs:                                                        Their reality:
Sanctity                                                                    War
Charity                                                                      Abuse

Important Characters:

  • Charlemagne          
  • The Church and State
  • The Frankish kingdom

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Sources used to write the post

Bustos, J(2011) Middle ages. pdf. Consultado en junio 10, 2011 en http:/

09273629912 (2011) Crolingian Empire . Consultado en junio 13, 2011 en

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